GSF Global Summit presented by Thoughtworks

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GSF Global Summit presented by Thoughtworks

1422 1422 people viewed this event.

Date: Hamburg, June 8 or Berlin, June 9, 5:00 PM

Green software. What are your thoughts on that topic? Are you one of the first movers and already including it into your work? Or are you curious what’s behind the term and want to know more? Either way, we would like to introduce you to the Green Software Foundation (GSF) and its Global Summit taking place in June 2022.

Thoughtworks as a co-founder of GSF is hosting two events on June 8 in Hamburg and June 9 in Berlin (both starting at 5pm) for everyone who is interested in green tech, gaining useful insights and meeting like minded community members. What we all might have in common: we are looking to be more sustainable in our work.

Join our in-person events with inspirational talks and an engaging panel discussion on green software principles, ways to measure a piece of software’s carbon footprint, and to learn more about sustainability for developers, designers, and technologists.

We are pleased to welcome speakers from Ecosia, Sustainable Digital Infrastructure Alliance, The Green Web Foundation, Moia, Liquid reply etc.

We hope you will make this an opportunity to join us on our journey towards reducing carbon emissions through green software. See you there!For more information about the event and our on-site security measures, click here.

Additional Details

Weiterleitungsevent - Yes

Partnerunternehmen -

Sponsor der Förderung -

Top-Event (Bezahlevent) - No

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Date And Time

08/06/2022 @ 17:00 to
09/06/2022 @ 20:00




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